protest strike labor dispute security guards

Strike, Picket Line, or Labor Dispute Security

When workers go on strike, picket lines often form outside of the workplace, which creates a visible presence that puts pressure on the employer to negotiate with the workers. These lines of workers and their supporters may hold signs with their demands and chant slogans to gain support for their cause. The purpose of a picket line is to create an environment where the employer feels the impact of the workers’ absence from the workplace. While picket lines are generally peaceful, they can become contentious in some cases, where the workers’ demands and management’s position are in conflict. Extra security guards may be required to ensure safety and prevent confrontations.

Request A Strike, Picket Line, or Labor Dispute Security Guard Proposal

To request a Strike, Picket Line, or Labor Dispute Security guard proposal, please call or complete our contact form.

Members of the best in the industry

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